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Live Scores

Live Scores

Updated over 8 months ago

A brand-new addition for 2024 is our live scores page. Here, you'll be able to see the schedule across all sports for any given day of the year, the pick consensus for each match-up, and also it displays who you are picking prior to the game and the outcome once the game has finished.

What is most useful about this page is that the scores are live, which enables you to keep track of how your picks are doing from here. You can also make your picks from this page too, simply click on the box that shows 'Make Pick' and you'll be presented with your options for the chosen game. If you already have an outstanding pick, you would click on the team logo, which is already displaying in that column, in order to make any changes.

Post-game, you'll see whether your pick was a winner or a loser, and whether your pick resulted in winning or losing money, with an overall record displayed too.

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